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Resolution: Trust Wallet has addressed these token display issues through periodic updates, ensuring that the wallet accurately reflects users' holdings. Users were …

Certainly! Here's a sample content calendar for a TikTok account focused on reviewing real estate listings. Feel free to adjust the schedule and content based on your preferences and audience engagement.

Week 1: Introduction and Overview

  1. Monday: Introduction video - Briefly introduce yourself and the purpose of your TikTok account.

  2. Wednesday: Overview of popular real estate platforms - Discuss platforms like Zillow, Realtor.com, and others.

Week 2: Property Spotlight Series 3. Monday: Showcase a luxury property - Highlight unique features and amenities.

  1. Wednesday: Tour a budget-friendly listing - Discuss affordability and value for money.

Week 3: Tips and Advice 5. Monday: Tips for first-time homebuyers - Share advice on what to look for.

  1. Wednesday: How to negotiate when buying a home - Offer negotiation strategies.

Week 4: Q&A Session 7. Monday: Ask your followers for their real estate questions.

  1. Wednesday: Answer the questions in a video format.

Week 5: Behind-the-Scenes 9. Monday: Behind-the-scenes of a property tour - Show your process of reviewing a listing.

  1. Wednesday: Share a day in the life of a real estate reviewer.

Week 6: Trends in Real Estate 11. Monday: Discuss current real estate market trends.

  1. Wednesday: Explore emerging real estate markets.

Week 7: Collaborations 13. Monday: Collaborate with a real estate agent or expert for insights.

  1. Wednesday: Share your favorite real estate influencers or accounts.

Week 8: Recap and Highlights 15. Monday: Recap the best moments and highlights from the past weeks.

  1. Wednesday: Invite followers to share their favorite listings for a shoutout.

Remember to engage with your audience through comments, duets, and challenges to increase interaction and build a community around your real estate TikTok account.

Last updated